Ill manors review
ill manors is a excellent debut film directed Ben Drew, also know as Plan B. Although not having directed any other film he has been featured in several music videos and therefore knows a lot of the filming industry and is clearly shown through incredible shots and clever editing. His music is considered very controversial due to its content and perfectly so as this film is also very controversial and he has cleverly incorporated his music in this thrilling production and cleverly narrates the films using powerful and meaningful lyrics.
Their are several main character of the narrative each telling a story how ever the protagonist Riz Ahmed known as Aaron in the film is a young adult male stuck in between a constant dilemma of doing right or wrong due to his surroundings he's forced to take a life of violence drugs and struggle. he is know for the very popular film 4 lions as Omar and his role in Shifty as Shifty. Ben also used many other unknown actor such as Ed as Ed Skerin, Keith Coggins as Kirby, Natalie Press as Katya, Lee Allen in the role of Chris and Anouska Mond as Michelle.
Ed and Aaron are two men doing their best make money essential through drug dealing however Ed is portrayed as a heartless man with no conscionce and Aaron although having the same occupation is the complete opposite. Chris is a feared gangster on the streets of east london and was the apprentice of Kirby prior to his long prison sentence of possession of narcotics. he is now back to reclaim his turf and belongings. Katya is a russian mother whom is homeless and is in run from sex trafficker and michelle is a Crack whore she begins her relationship with katya based on sympathy which leads to a new equilibrium. Jake is a teenage kids who is easily influenced and persuaded to join a local gang through betraying a dear friend and murder. An explosive ending is finalised through the use of a baby that is thrown from place to place landing in to each of these peoples hands even being sold at one point but result in salvation.
this film is a Crime drama and from seeing the convention of the film and objects used to represent this theme it's clear that this film is a gritty rough gangster film. therefore it does fit my expectation although street gangsters in the film aren't all what are expected in the film from the cliche driving in a car and shooting opposing gang members gangs in this film aren't all that ruthless. the mood i would describe when talking abut this film is on the edge and hair raising.
Due to my preference of hip hop i din't personally like the music although flowing with the narrative parallel and again was meaningful and relatable. Plan B's music created and intense feeling making you want to question more about certain character and made you relate to them more.
Ill manors is aimed at in my opinion Males between the ages of 15 - 30 living in London disregarding the age restriction and in terms of psychographic it's aimed at reformers. i would recommend this film because it's a very well made film and has a very good narrative.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
www. we completed all the filming and can start on the editing
EBI. some of the scenes were shaky and need to be redone
where are going out to film again and re do the shoots ant the same time and hopefully with playing with the settings this can result in better quality shots and some of the scene were to grainy so this would be goo if we can get better quality
EBI. some of the scenes were shaky and need to be redone
where are going out to film again and re do the shoots ant the same time and hopefully with playing with the settings this can result in better quality shots and some of the scene were to grainy so this would be goo if we can get better quality
Plan B x T.E.D Lecture
The target audience of this lecture was most aimed at the elderly and the more mature society so that they are able to understand why the youth are doing things that cause trouble. basically the same target audience as the movie. The psycho-graphic target group would be reformer as they would want to understand the youth preceptive so that they can do more or do as much as they can to help them and believe in personal growth, this is different to his target market for his music which 14- 20 as this are the group of people that listen and are the people the connect to him. the age of the target group would roughly be around between the ages of 15 - 30 would realistic even though the age restriction is 18. he wants to
Plan B's view on the media is negative as the majority of the industry portray youths to be antisocial and violent also they are shown to look dirty all the time hence the continuous display of teens in joggers and hoodies. they are also portrayed as being unintelligent and untrustworthy one headline the stood out to him in the newspaper are 'Council Estate kids are the Scum of the earth' and this conveys exactly what he is preaching and this link to Cohens theory because people in the music video are portrayed as dangerous and there for it scares the people watching and they feel they have to do something so the media start to publicize teenagers and criminals and thugs.
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Title of publication:
The title of this magazine is slightly obscured
by the head of the protagonist from the obvious main character from the
Programme Doctor Who and the font that they have used is the font used as the
title of the programme giving the sense that the magazine is special and unique
to all the other in sense making it a collectable. The typography title of the
magazine is large compared to the rest of the typography on the mag thus making
it the most important and this make the reader look at this area of the
magazine first then it leads the eye down as reading the title leads the reader
to the ‘Name Check’.
This slogan serves its purpose as it sum up the
content of the mag in a line. The slogan on this magazine is very similar to
the font of the title and this then help keep the appearance of being
futuristic. The slogan is very simple and very cliché so this makes it very
easy for the reader to remember in a way it very catchy because of the
simplicity. They have highlighted words like 50 years to show the age and
create a value to the programme and this is them emphasised by the colour that
has been used ‘Gold’ this may refer to the Golden age on the value that gold
have and this connects to the reader especially if the readers are slightly
older as this may be nostalgic. The lettering of the slogan is in capitals
letters and although being small it shows the importance of the 50 years. The slogan is at the top of the magazine and
this also adds to its importance.
Central Image:
The central image consists of the doctor from
‘2013’ and previous and show all three generation of the doctors at the time
and therefore at the time the doctor in the centre between the other two was
the newest and this is evident as a light glow behind his head show he’s more
superior and more relevant giving him a
god like image, the light then bleaches out the other two doctor lightly this
could mean that he out shines them, and this is emphasised by him standing ahead
of the other two doctors .Compared to the previous doctor behind the centre
protagonist, they seem slightly rough this give the reader a refreshing feeling
and gives of a sense that the series with this actor in it is better and more
improved. All three actor look directly towards the camera and this to the
reader make them feel part of the legacy that has been created by them. The
shadow created by the main doctor cover the previous doctor and this in sense
show that these actor are over shadowed by a new replacement.
Flash / Cover Lines
THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR - this shows part of the main focus as the text
size of the typography is large making it the second largest convention and
therefore catches the readers eye then leading them on to the lower half of the
magazine what emphasis this is the use of White lettering and this is
completely different to the rest of the cover because the image used for the
cover is fairly dark, the white lettering give of a sense of futuristic feeling
staying with the theme of the ,magazine cover.
Free Offer:
The magazines offer 12 free collectable cards
for the anniversary of the programme to engage the reader on to the doctor who
magazine more and in the magazine company the typography used to advertise them
is in capital letter and gives of a sense of excitement to the reader.
Colour Scheme:
The colours used in the magazines are Red, Blue,
Black, White and Gold these colour are used to give of a futuristic feeling
again flowing with the Doctor Who theme. There isn’t many colours used in this
issue so that the composition of this magazine doesn’t appear to be too busy
and this allows the reader to easily focus on the cover with out them being
confused or even so that their laziness doesn’t get in the way of them
understanding the cover – it makes the magazine look clean cut. Colours such as
Blue are seen as iconography as this colour represent the phone booth which it
self is iconic to Doctor Who.
Name Check:
These boxes give further information about what
is inside the magazine that may interest the readers such as stories and
articles this info may appeal to another audience that isn’t the primary
target. In this magazine the Name Check consists of the free gift, competition,
and bumper issue of the magazine.
The language consists of many different typographies
including the sizing of the font which s all very different the larger the font
to larger the focus there is meant to be on them the font and colour also
determine this as of the font has a certain style to it may appeal to the
readers more and make them focus on a certain section of the magazine first in
this case it is the title of the magazine which is large; has a stylish font
and is coloured. The day of the Doctor has a ring to it possibly because it
almost has alliteration.
In the name check there is a section that shows
a chance to win a box set of the Doctor Who series, books and CD’s how ever
what specifically is given away in the magazine isn’t clear as it says what is
given away which excites the reader and make want to enter how ever doesn’t
give away how to enter the competition and them forces them to buy the magazine
to find out.
Direct Address and Asking Questions:
The magazine doesn’t exactly directly address
the reader whoever the Doctors in the magazine cover directly look at them and
this makes reader feel apart of the magazine. It doesn’t include any Question.
barcode, date and price are small as the cover editor didn’t want the magazine
doesn’t exactly directly address the reader whoever the Doctors in the magazine
cover directly look at them and this makes reader feel apart of the magazine.
It doesn’t include any Question.The ‘real’ Target audience the target audience is clearly fans of the
programme Doctor Who as the cover of this magazine is dedicated to 50 year that
the programme has been running
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
1) What does this tell us about Plan B's intentions in making the film?
it tell us that his initial audience wasn't to target the youth that are relatable but to also targeted an audience that would be interested in the the issues in these type of societies (reformers). he wanted to portray atmospheres similar to this in a realistic way and instead of glamorising London he tried to break societies perception of a perfect, modern, classy environment when only it central London like this.
2) What do we learn about the production process for Ill Manors?
The production process for ill manors was very hard because it was actually filmed in east London and therefore most of the area that were perceived to be crack den,brothels or gang related area were actually all of these things and wasn't a safe environment for the team. on occasion they were stop by gangs to leave the area and stp by police because they were filming in a crack den.3) What can you tell about the possible target audience from this short documentary?
4) Does the film successfully do what director Ben Drew (Plan B) set out to achieve? Explain your answer with reference to both the film and the making of documentary.
it tell us that his initial audience wasn't to target the youth that are relatable but to also targeted an audience that would be interested in the the issues in these type of societies (reformers). he wanted to portray atmospheres similar to this in a realistic way and instead of glamorising London he tried to break societies perception of a perfect, modern, classy environment when only it central London like this.
2) What do we learn about the production process for Ill Manors?
The production process for ill manors was very hard because it was actually filmed in east London and therefore most of the area that were perceived to be crack den,brothels or gang related area were actually all of these things and wasn't a safe environment for the team. on occasion they were stop by gangs to leave the area and stp by police because they were filming in a crack den.3) What can you tell about the possible target audience from this short documentary?
4) Does the film successfully do what director Ben Drew (Plan B) set out to achieve? Explain your answer with reference to both the film and the making of documentary.
Typical codes and conventions for trailers:
-Directors name (if they are well known e.g. Quentin Tarantino)
How does Ill Manors use trailer conventions?
Ill Manors uses many conventions in their trailer such as Quotes from magazines to convey to the audience that their film is worth watching and they have used quotes from magazines that suit their target market the most like ‘Men’s Fitness’ this is aimed at a males audience in between the ages of 20- 30. Another conventions used in the trailer is the use of
-Directors name (if they are well known e.g. Quentin Tarantino)
-Quotes from magazines
-Name of Film at the end only
-Names of Actors
-Release Date
-Where it can be viewed
-Most exciting and dramatic scenes
-E-media Links
-Age Certificate
-Name of Producers/ Production Companies
How does Ill Manors use trailer conventions?
Ill Manors uses many conventions in their trailer such as Quotes from magazines to convey to the audience that their film is worth watching and they have used quotes from magazines that suit their target market the most like ‘Men’s Fitness’ this is aimed at a males audience in between the ages of 20- 30. Another conventions used in the trailer is the use of
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
Preproduction for Trill
Shot List
Initial script
Scene 1 - [Previously] - Villain threatening hero to meet him.
[Jamal holding James against the wall and looking down on him]
Jamal: You better meet me down my ends or your guna get it!
Scene 2 - [set of short scenes from previous episode]
Scene 3 - [Jamal waiting anxiously for James at the meeting place, walking in circles]
Scene 4- [Maria in a sad almost crying tone telling James not to go.]
Maria: Please James you can't go!
James: I have to get out of this myself or they'll never leave me alone
Maria: You can't go you know how this is going to end they're not going to let you go, please!
James sighs.
Scene 5 - [Jamal looks at watch and walks away angrily]
Scene 6 - [James walking alone down road or ally]
Scene 7 - [James sees Tyrone - Tyrone seems agitated and anxious]
James: Hey man what you doing around here, long time no see
Tyrone: Err [looks around] I dunno I was just walking by
James: How've you been man?
Tyrone: Good
James: What's up with you, you couldn't stop talking shit back in the day
Tyrone: [Looking away] Nothing.
[POV shot of Tyrone - Over shoulder shot of James - see people coming from behind]
[James turns around]
James: The hell is this!
Tyrone: I'm sorry man I had to, they were gunna...
Jamal: Look who it is.
[Low angle shot of Jamal smiling]
Jamal: You didn't show up.
James: I told you I don't want to be a part of this anymore
Jamal: And this is how you disrespect the people who gave you everything James, everything.
James: I don't want to spend the rest of my life being an idiot on these streets
Jamal: SHUT UP! We could've done this the easy way, but no, you meet your little girlfriend and you think you're a big man.
James: Leave her out of it
Jamal: You could've just met me where I asked and this would've all been finished but NO! [Close up of Jamal pushing James over. Jamal talking down to James]
You think you can disrespect me? You had potential James, I thought we could have run this gang together, but now your nothing.
[Match on action- Shot behind Jamal pulling out gun- returns to POV of James looking at Jamal holding the gun at him]
Jamal: I'll make sure you never mess with me again
Drake: [Pushes gun down in Jamal's hands] Allow it man, don't take it too far
[James gets up and runs past Jamal and Drake]
Jamal: Go after him
[Close up shot of Jamal on the phone]
Jamal: Listen...Do as I say, or you'll never see him again. This is what you're guna do"
Scene 8 [Chase scene - James running away from Drake and others]
Scene 9 [James gets away from Jamal's boys and gets to Maria's house. He knocks on her door while breathing heavily. The door opens]
Maria: Oh my God are you ok?
James: I think so. I need to sit down
[Shot of James walking inside. Loud bang and noise of falling to floor. Blackout]
James - Hero
Jamal - Villain
Drake - Villains - Jamal's boy
Maria - James' girlfriend
Tyrone - James' old friend
Story Board
Story Board
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Mise En Scene for 'Trill'
This production will be set in west london, as this is like the behind the scenes of the London that is perceived to foreigners by the government from advertising, we will film in isolated areas so it would provide an eerie and intense feeling to the audience.We wanted to represent the youth of London by using locations like this to provide a gritty, raw and urban feel.
Our production would consist of several locations however as we're film from in between the series we decided to focus on two the first location which in fact is the main location for this sequence is the White heart Roundabout this location is ideal for our production as this will allows us to achieve the composition/layout we set out to achieve as the centre of the roundabout has a 5 way split it would be perfect for the opening of out production we will also be using other area in this general area for a very short amount of time for a chase scene

The Second scene will be set in a house (mine) and this location will be introduced near the end of the sequence.

Excluding the protagonist and the femme fatale everyone else (antagonist and gang) will be wearing black to connote danger and evil the type of clothing these charter would wear are typical urban outfits like trainers, hoodies and jeans/track suit bottoms.
The rest of the characters will be wearing casual clothing to portray their innocence.
No ones costume will change throughout.
-False Gun (Water Pistol)
-Baseball Bat
The timing of this Production will be set around 05:00- 09:00 pm as this is when it is at it darkest, the reason we have chosen these timing is because it at these times that drug dealers robber etcetera will be prone to come out and proceed with their business.
The production will not use any studio lighting as natural background lighting is provided from street lamps and interior lighting.
Armond - Big Chris
Kyle - Sunny
Antoine - Tyrone
Hasan - Nasir / Nas
Emily - Maria.
This production will be set in west london, as this is like the behind the scenes of the London that is perceived to foreigners by the government from advertising, we will film in isolated areas so it would provide an eerie and intense feeling to the audience.We wanted to represent the youth of London by using locations like this to provide a gritty, raw and urban feel.
Our production would consist of several locations however as we're film from in between the series we decided to focus on two the first location which in fact is the main location for this sequence is the White heart Roundabout this location is ideal for our production as this will allows us to achieve the composition/layout we set out to achieve as the centre of the roundabout has a 5 way split it would be perfect for the opening of out production we will also be using other area in this general area for a very short amount of time for a chase scene
The Second scene will be set in a house (mine) and this location will be introduced near the end of the sequence.
Excluding the protagonist and the femme fatale everyone else (antagonist and gang) will be wearing black to connote danger and evil the type of clothing these charter would wear are typical urban outfits like trainers, hoodies and jeans/track suit bottoms.
The rest of the characters will be wearing casual clothing to portray their innocence.
No ones costume will change throughout.
-False Gun (Water Pistol)
-Baseball Bat
The timing of this Production will be set around 05:00- 09:00 pm as this is when it is at it darkest, the reason we have chosen these timing is because it at these times that drug dealers robber etcetera will be prone to come out and proceed with their business.
The production will not use any studio lighting as natural background lighting is provided from street lamps and interior lighting.
Armond - Big Chris
Kyle - Sunny
Antoine - Tyrone
Hasan - Nasir / Nas
Emily - Maria.
Monday, 6 January 2014
Exam Learner response
WWW: You actually make plenty of good point but each answer stops just as it gets going!
EBI: You need to write more for each question - this is nowhere near enough for 60 mins writing. It's good you're getting theories in but divide them into separate points and explain how they link to the text.
1. I'll revise all the theory for media so that when it come to note taking i am able to quickly think of way the clip could link to the question and jot them down quickly
2. I'll practise to take more notes from the video so that can structure my paragraph better and this will allow my paragraph to flow in to each other better
3. Improve my written English so my punctuation and spelling can be improved and get extra marks
For the next mock I'm aiming to get at least a C so that I am able to show that I can achieve higher then previous exams with revision and practise
At the end of the year I am hoping of aim for a B in the exam and to do so I will practise my exam technique a lot.
2. I'll practise to take more notes from the video so that can structure my paragraph better and this will allow my paragraph to flow in to each other better
3. Improve my written English so my punctuation and spelling can be improved and get extra marks
For the next mock I'm aiming to get at least a C so that I am able to show that I can achieve higher then previous exams with revision and practise
At the end of the year I am hoping of aim for a B in the exam and to do so I will practise my exam technique a lot.
Thursday, 2 January 2014
Audience Theory
Audience Theory
Hypodermic needle theory - this article suggest the continuously playing violent 'shot em' up' games will result in people seeing reality as a more hostile and violent.
Two-step flow model - this article shows that Jamal edward's success depended mostly on social factors (word of mouth) to get more view on his music/freestyle videos. It also show that Jamal is an opinion leader.
1 - I primarily use the media for communication and entertainment
2 - We are dependent on the media as not much information would be available and technology wouldn't be as far as it is now
3 - our dependence has changed alot over the last 10 years as young people don't know how to live with out it in other words life would be very boring, people depend on the media to entertain them.
Hypodermic needle theory - this article suggest the continuously playing violent 'shot em' up' games will result in people seeing reality as a more hostile and violent.
Two-step flow model - this article shows that Jamal edward's success depended mostly on social factors (word of mouth) to get more view on his music/freestyle videos. It also show that Jamal is an opinion leader.
This comedy film allows to people to forget their troubles and stress
and share laughs for a few hours and be entertained. It allows the audience
to escape in to another world where they feel nothing can harm them.
The news provides information to viewer’s about many thing including
crime, new findings in studies and statistics to help improve health
etcetera. This is considered surveillance because it provides the audience
with information.
This film can be considered personal relation due to the struggles the
protagonist faces and may relate to people and could be what other people are
facing therefore are looking for answers and turn to films like this as a
This depends on the individual and how their personality is. For me I
can see myself in certain character because they had done similar thing I had
done while I was doing my GCSE and I can put myself in their place at the
1 - I primarily use the media for communication and entertainment
2 - We are dependent on the media as not much information would be available and technology wouldn't be as far as it is now
3 - our dependence has changed alot over the last 10 years as young people don't know how to live with out it in other words life would be very boring, people depend on the media to entertain them.
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