Thursday, 28 November 2013

Class Evaluation:
WWW:the camera work was good in some aspects like the creativity of the angels. also the use of silence throughout the sequence. the 180 rule wasn't broken and the match on action was doe well. the production creates an enigma due to the us of the macguffin (the bag)

EBI: the attention to detail could have been better and the production should have not included any unnecessary shots such as the random shot of the man walking although not all of the shots was included. also the camera work in some of the shot was shaky blurred and there was noise in the background.

Self Evaluation:
WWW: the editing on the production was fairly good and the creative angels of the camera was good especially the opening shot of the stairs. the length of the production was on point resulting in 42 seconds.

EBI: the work should have been in on time and greater time could have taken on the editing and filming so the the production wouldn't have come out as bad all the filming should have been done on the same day. attention to detail needed more attention and the mise en scene could have been better the use of lighting and costume could have been better to create a more street/ gangster appearance especially in the protagonist and this would create a more dominant character appearance. the setting of the production cold have been better as the computer clearly showed that the area filmed is a classroom this would emphasis on the binary opposition and this would create a more intense atmosphere. music could have been used however we had run out of time to edit an further and had to give the production in with no music- the music would have added to the production give in more of a gangster feel this would result however in a different approach to editing this clip

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